Rehearsals done at the hotel, all stuff bought. Things are as ready as they should be.
Last night before midnight, my aunts and my mom brushed my hair while saying auspicious things. Mostly symbolising that the marriage will last long, me having lots of kids etc etc. Wierd thing is, I hear this from Chinese dramas alot. But it's pretty informal last night though, which is good. Then my whole family had some rice balls to show their support on me leaving the family. For the groom, I heard, in the country (back then), the groom will slaughter a pig and that night eats rice balls as well.
Anyhoo, just typing as the last few hours tick away as a single person.
Am I scared, not really. Just so wierd that everyone I know will be in Limerick, in one place today!
Some references
So... wedding car, CHECK! Urm, cake, CHECK! Flowers, CHECK! Seems to be going fine, even got the blessing booklets printed the night before, and then realised after folding the booklets ready for stapling, that I fecked it up. So much for working at the darn thing at 2 in the morning for 2 nights straight, and no proper sleep since early last week. So, after a hissy fit, Mick fixed it all for me.
The table plan final now, sent off to hotel. Phew!
What will tomorrow have in store for me?
- Last minute purchases of things I forgot.
- Rehearsals at the priest's
- Dinner somewhere
And my, oh my... friends and relatives are all arriving tomorrow, at all different times.
This evening, we all sat down to figure out the timing and planning for Thursday morning. Confusion ahoy! Anyhoo, I left the room and hope they all made up their minds, since I am just confusing everyone. And it will stop me being bridezilla.... LoL. >-<
So all the stuff is ready and packed. Starting to shift stuff to the hotel tomorrow. Incredible, I will be married on Thursday!
Weather outlook is good, although freezing! Temperatures could be as low as -1! Was talking to my aunt last night and heard there will be a BA strike. So I checked it out and it's held after we fly to HK. Phew! And of course, does not affect our flights from Japan at the end of our honeymoon, I hope.
That is how many days are left till I get married . And it looks like the weather is not in our favour. Big possibility of rain. Although all we need is a few hours of sun, then we are inside from the evening afterwards.
Fingers crossed.
I was working away, and in the back of my mind, I had something to do. And then it struck me, I had to pick up my wedding dress! Eep! I was going to be late, if I left and took the bus into town. So flagged down a taxi, and got into town just in time for my appointment. All I remember was my friends telling me not to forget to turn up on my big day. Well, at least I got the dress now.
OMG, just saw in the news that there was yet another shooting incident in Limerick, but that is just not what the OMG was for... it's where it happened, on the Shannon-Limerick dual carriageway! I am from Limerick, and that road is the main artery to Shannon, Ennis and the west. I drive along it alot to pick up relatives since Shannon airport is out that way. It's just so crazy, not just in Limerick but in Dub as well. It can happen anywhere.
All I am doing is trying to load up a spreadsheet and do some stuff for my up and coming wedding. I find it really frustrating that my PB is chugging, even with a gig mem on it. Then scrolling is bothersome, and the scrolly bar looks arseways onscreen. Of course, this all works fine on Windoze. Come on, even doing a select just have lines appearing instead of highlighting the fields. So half the time I don't know if the cells are selected or not. This happens on the latest version of Camino and less so on Firefox (but it still happens). What's worse, it freezes my browser window. Argh! \\\(;*A*)///
I was excited about Google Docs, espec with the fact of collaborating with folks, and sharing with others to view it. But I just wish it works properly on the Mac.
WoW, the weather was blustery, but Bank Of Ireland's system went kaput yesterday! People cannot get their weekly wages, having to wait for cheques. ATMs services not available. Think they will need a better backup if their servers.
... reading IRC entries is that you miss out the whole picture, when it's in regards to the keynote speech on Tuesday. I made a mistake that I thought the iPod and iPhone were 2 different things. How silly was I? For shame, ay? Of course, the iPhone is an iPod as well. Doh!
Wow, it's been awhile since I looked at G11N and Solaris, but I had to see it to believe it, it's open-sourced ! Heh, if you want to know how long since I looked at G11N and Solaris, just check my last entry in my old Sun blog.
(I think they changed something in the way the links are handled on that blog, it's not using Textile anymore. Oh well, it's not like I can log in and fix it. )
Hasn't Apple come along way since it announced its deal with M$.
But I have never heard booing like that from an tech crowd in such a venue before. The distaste, especially the bald guy shaking his head in disbelief near the end of the clip.
But today, what about today? For all macheads, it was the keynote speech today. I manage to miss it because I had a wedding dress fitting at that time! But I was getting SMS updates from a friend of mine (Thanks, Tom!).
Just did a quick rundown the IRC updates:
More info, see all the links to the keynotes here.
Best reference with good pics is from Engadget.
Saw this article. This silly bride decided to say "I don't!" and under Austrian Law, any negative answers to key questions means the wedding has to be called off! I know the law is different here, but there is a time to joke, and saying "I don't!" at your own wedding is not wise anyway.
Just coming out of Arnotts, this one was shouting into her phone:
"I'll meet you outside Arnotts...."
(Pauses for a sec)
"I said, ARNOTTS..."
(Pauses again)
"Arnotts, Arnotts, Arnotts, Arnotts...Arnotts, ARNOTTS..."
And it kept going until I was far enough that the Saturday shoppers drowned out her bleedin' repetitive "Arnotts" hollers down her phone.
Delightful, eh?
So, Mick told me that WoW on the desktop (with its spiffy new graphics card) has been updated. Did the usual downloading and installing Cosmos. I see they have changed the way it's install itself now. Also noticed alot of b0rked plugins. \(;*A*)/
Plus when I logged in, my guildies remembered me. Woohoo, after 2 months absence.
But, wait for it, I checked my in-game mailbox, guess what was in it. It was spam from gold farmers! I coundn't believe it. Imagine if Blizz had to implement some kind of mail spam filter in-game.
One more thing I noticed, the WoW updater now kicks off in the background after you exit WoW. Pretty nifty.
And since the talent tree has been reset... yay! I have another chance to decide how I am going to assign all my talents. Woohoo!
Just rambling to myself here... isn't it annoying that when someone promised to do something with you, and they don't remember until they are too tired and push it to the next day? Well, it is to me. Back to the drawing board.
Am I getting old? Well, wearing shoes with wheels at your heel is sort of dodge to start off with. Coming down stairs, walking down an inclined slope. My fiancé mentioned today when he noticed a kid being dragged by his dad, does that mean kids are not getting excercise. Heh. He's got a point there. Plus I saw a girl with the attachable wheels to normal shoes, and she was walking around like she was wearing high heels, except the high heels are wheels. People will compare it to rollarblades, skateboards, but these are meant to be like normal shoes, and an instinct will be to walk with heel down before the rest of your foot. It's even made it to the 2006 most dangerous toys list.
Well, back in my day.... ROFL.