So, Mick told me that WoW on the desktop (with its spiffy new graphics card) has been updated. Did the usual downloading and installing Cosmos. I see they have changed the way it's install itself now. Also noticed alot of b0rked plugins. \(;*A*)/
Plus when I logged in, my guildies remembered me. Woohoo, after 2 months absence.
But, wait for it, I checked my in-game mailbox, guess what was in it. It was spam from gold farmers! I coundn't believe it. Imagine if Blizz had to implement some kind of mail spam filter in-game.
One more thing I noticed, the WoW updater now kicks off in the background after you exit WoW. Pretty nifty.
And since the talent tree has been reset... yay! I have another chance to decide how I am going to assign all my talents. Woohoo!