January 13, 2007

[Mac] Google docs damn frustrating to use on my PB

All I am doing is trying to load up a spreadsheet and do some stuff for my up and coming wedding. I find it really frustrating that my PB is chugging, even with a gig mem on it. Then scrolling is bothersome, and the scrolly bar looks arseways onscreen. Of course, this all works fine on Windoze. Come on, even doing a select just have lines appearing instead of highlighting the fields. So half the time I don't know if the cells are selected or not. This happens on the latest version of Camino and less so on Firefox (but it still happens). What's worse, it freezes my browser window. Argh! \\\(;*A*)///

I was excited about Google Docs, espec with the fact of collaborating with folks, and sharing with others to view it. But I just wish it works properly on the Mac.

Posted by whykay at January 13, 2007 01:00 AM