Fwoosh, the sound of another battery going up in flames : The Register - Man Saves Laptop
Silly thing to do, pulling out the battery when it's smoking!
Ok, so from what I heard from Mick, that the recent PyPy Sprint was pretty much very, very, very quiet. Especially on the Friday night, when Mick brought them out for food and drinks.
Limerick is only buzzing when students are in town, unfortunately most of the younger people move up to Dublin and work. And now that colleges are back, so are the students.
Summer is just a bad time to come down to Limerick. Most folks just goes out of town around then.
Ok, finally got around to the battery exchange program to get my battery sent back, and hopefully get a new one that is not botched. From all the Dell's blowing up, Apple's battery recalls, LAX Thinkpad scare to the most recent Dell blowing up in Yahoo causing an evacuation, it really scared me. At least the one in my PB is my fiancé's one. His old PB is not used anymore (quite worn down at this stage), plus his spiffy MBP has all his attentions.
Brian was nice enough to hand one of our Python Ireland tees to Guido, and a photo as proof as well.
Yup, yup, it's out : http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5/
Daft is using Google Maps to map out their properties for sale... Check it out: http://www.daft.ie/maps/
Whereas Sony failure to provide many developers with dev kits
Wii developers are getting theirs, and as engadget found out, it looks a bit different.
But a downer to hear that wii is not region-free anymore...I was so excited before when iI thought it was region-free.
Here's a nice way to finish off the week (after a few pints of course), read some funny and worthwhile programming quotes to think about. My favs are
It does exist! This comic just reminded me. I personally did not partake in this, but it was in a wine and cheese party (more of the cheese kind), and saw some folks playing this! We took over the night by playing tequila drinking game by substituing tequila with any drink we found. Heh, the night ended well, ignoring the 3-person chess part of the night.
From Indo : Now the public can put auctioneers under the hammer
Rateyourauctioneer.com has just been launched. It invites people to give compliments or to complain about their buying and selling experiences.
Heh, it's similiar to the ratemyteacher.com and ratemysolicitor.com. Heh, there is a ratemybuilder.com as well!
I am getting sick of having to daily remove between 2-5 bogus users registered on the Irish Born Chinese Forum.
It already has the visual confirmation for people who are registering for the first time, but this can be compromised with OCR. Well, I decided to check what other anti-sp@m measures (and not to complicated) to add to my forum. Found an advanced visual confirmation. After some tweaking to forum code, and the database tables, I got it up and running with hardly any downtime.
The downside is the visual picture for confirmation is a little more harder to read, but what must be done, be done. It's rather annoying, having to turn my board which was free for anyone to post on (no need to register) to this type of visual confirmation. Stupid bots, and sp@mmers....
Just saw this from Mezzoblue's site about geotagging. So I decided to try it out for myself. And I don't have that many pics, but I have them dotted around the world map now. Yay. I think it's a great idea. On the main flickr page now, there is a map link under the picture. Clicking on it brings up a dialog with the satellite pic with the pic plotted on it. Ok, it may not have alot of detail in the maps, mainly America has everything plotted out. But it's a nice idea. Now, if Picasa did the same with Google maps (or Google Earth).
Not sure why BoingBoing posted an article about finger-printing in DisnyWorld 'cuase it's been there for quite awhile. My frist reaction when I saw this was last Christmas when I was over in Orlando, and I think on the 2nd day, they were fingerprinting folks going in. It was an odd sight, we joked that they know where we were and was actually keeping track of us!