September 03, 2006

[My Own Stuff] Argh, die sp@mm3rs, die!

I am getting sick of having to daily remove between 2-5 bogus users registered on the Irish Born Chinese Forum.

It already has the visual confirmation for people who are registering for the first time, but this can be compromised with OCR. Well, I decided to check what other anti-sp@m measures (and not to complicated) to add to my forum. Found an advanced visual confirmation. After some tweaking to forum code, and the database tables, I got it up and running with hardly any downtime.

The downside is the visual picture for confirmation is a little more harder to read, but what must be done, be done. It's rather annoying, having to turn my board which was free for anyone to post on (no need to register) to this type of visual confirmation. Stupid bots, and sp@mmers....

Posted by whykay at September 3, 2006 01:27 PM