March 26, 2009

links for 2009-03-25

  • Leinster Driving Campus is dedicated to providing the very best driver training available. Our purpose built facility is the first of its kind in Ireland with over 2 kms of total road length based on a private 5 acre site.
Posted by whykay_delicious at 01:01 AM

March 25, 2009

Hello Kitty stuff

It's pricey and it's a Japanese QWERTY.See Engadget:Hello Kitty keyboard boasts keys, cute, and cuddliness

Now for a Hello kitty digicam, well, what do you know, it's cute and pink.

Here's an Hello Kitty 360, great paint job.

And finally, the cool Hello Kitty Flip Mino,

Posted by whykay at 02:23 AM

Dreamhost moving my account to new server

Heads up that my site will be down sometime in the next 72 hours (or so). Hopefully it'll be faster on the new server, and nothing will break.

Posted by whykay at 01:09 AM

March 24, 2009

So many things happening this weekend

I mentioned Girl Geek Day in one of my previous entries that's on Saturday.

Then it's OSS Bar Camp Dublin, erm, on Saturday.

After dropping into Forbidden Planet today, I saw a poster for IFI's Japanese Anime weekened, guess what, starts Saturday.

On a personal side of things, my conferring ceremony for my masters is on Saturday as well, I'm not going.

With all this, I'm just going to play hide and seek (there's no seek), and I'm hiding down in Limerick with all this going on. It's not the same without Mick around. >-<

Posted by whykay at 05:21 PM

March 22, 2009

March 21, 2009

Female geekdom

I came across this article via the Beeb news online, and I felt better that I'm not one of the few girls who likes geeking. Well, over the past few days, I've seen Martha Rotter tweet about the next Irish Geek Girl dinner and the recent tweet to me from @eibrandr about an upcoming Irish Geek Girl Day.

It's nice to see more and more girls coming out of geek-hiding. Although we still have to contend with the condescending remarks at shops while we browse and silently guffaw at the overprices shiney-shiney toys from the other not so fairer sex. *pish Whatever, they'll only learn in time....

Posted by whykay at 10:45 AM

March 20, 2009

5 seconds panic button

It's the Gmail undo send button

This feature can't pull back an email that's already gone; it just holds your message for five seconds so you have a chance to hit the panic button. And don't worry – if you close Gmail or your browser crashes in those few seconds, we'll still send your message.

Posted by whykay at 12:41 AM

March 19, 2009

This just reminds me of something I saw recently

Saw The Irish Times today that estate agents may go into selling repossessed houses. Was wondering why there wasn't anything I could find on repossessed houses in Ireland, you can find them aplenty on U.S. sites. This article also reminded me of this ad I saw on a U.K. commercial about selling repossessed houses via this site. It was a brash, shouting-at-you to go and buy a house ad, also reminded me of those old Cilit Bang ads (I think Harvey Norman has taken the shouting and buying over from Cilit Bang nowadays).

Well, now I know that there will be a service to buy repossessed houses.

Posted by whykay at 11:44 AM

March 18, 2009

IBM buying Sun?

Well, got mail from an ex-Sun friend of mine (yeah, yeah, I'm ex-Sun as well as my hubby :) ). The acquisition may still fall through though, but no harm on keeping ears open. I can only imagine, if I was still working in Sun, if they were bought out by IBM, I would be working in the same company as my cousin down in Cork (his company way bought by IBM some years back). Well, that's only an if, but I'm not, and I'm in a battle of my own (alongside with my hubby) to get through paperwork and get our own house.

Posted by whykay at 09:20 PM

March 16, 2009

Photoshop toolbar tie

Corbata Photoshop, originally uploaded by Toni Castillo.

Cute and geeky. :)

Posted by whykay at 08:23 PM

Twitter mainstream

What gets on my nerves are people who talk about Twitter without really understanding what's it about. Putting it down straight away by commenting why one would need to know who is making tea or coffee right now, or saying that "twittering" sounds prissy.

It's not just a "what am I doing now?", it's another form of blogging, a micro form of blogging, as some would say. People are using twitter as part of their business process, like Sweet Mandarin who lets people tweet her to book tables, order food, join in on cookery class days, etc. I'm sure there are other whimsical uses, not just "I'm feeling tired now...".

Now, Newstalk, will you stop being ignorant about it and keeping knocking it. Tom Dunne said that they are using it because they were paid to do so, completely defeating the whole point of trying new technology.

Anyhoo... end of rant.

Posted by whykay at 06:47 PM

March 14, 2009

Irish major cities and towns in Streetview soon

This would be cool, the day after Paddy's day, the Google cars will be out and about taking 360 degrees snap shots of the streets. Fantastic, can't wait to see them up, Was very useful for Mick and I trying to see how far it was from our Mandarin Oriental hotel to Apple Store in San Fran. Wished we used it to check out Tokyo (although I think it may not have been available at the time) whilst we were on our honeymoon.

I just hope there aren't too many hungover people and tourists after Paddy's day, and the city councils are all out having the streets cleaned before the Google cars go around.

More info:

* Irish Times - Google takes to the streets to show the way to go in Ireland
* Irish Independent - Irish streets heading for cyberspace

Posted by whykay at 12:24 PM

March 11, 2009

The good and the bad

Well, the good news, EU is slashing prices of sending text messages abroad, effective from July 1st. It'll be 11¢ or 13¢ including VAT. EU is forcing those rip-off mobile companies to charge roaming by the second and getting them to cap download charged. Let's just hope this new roaming rules comes in, and get more details on these new roaming rules.

On other news, fans/users of Ryanair might want to hear that they will be charging €5 to check yourself in. Fan-tabulous. That's a bit steep, isn't it? This is for people checking themselves online and printing their own boarding card. The charge is.. wait for it, per person! What takes the biscuit, even babies under two are charged. There's no mention of more kiosks, although I know not everyone is comfortable booking, checking themselves online, or using those check-in kiosks themselves. Some people like to talk to a check-in person in person. Give the customer a peace of mind. This is effective from the 1st May.

*UPDATE: * More information about Ryanair's plans, and you won't like it, check out The Irish Times' piece on it.

Posted by whykay at 12:27 PM

March 10, 2009

Dublin dearer than London

For anyone who has been living in Dublin in the last few years and occasionally flown to London, know this anyway. Really don't need an article to tell us this.

Eatings in out in central London, or down by the Southbanks is cheaper than run-of-the-mill restaurants in Dublin city. You've just got to wonder, even with the exchange rate back then.

Posted by whykay at 11:39 AM

March 05, 2009

FOWA tomorrow

Heading to Future of Web Apps tomorrow. Mick is going as well.

Posted by whykay at 05:24 PM

March 04, 2009

March 03, 2009

links for 2009-03-02

Posted by whykay_delicious at 12:01 AM