November 28, 2006

links for 2006-11-28

Posted by whykay_delicious at 12:22 AM

November 15, 2006

links for 2006-11-15

Posted by whykay_delicious at 12:25 AM

November 14, 2006

links for 2006-11-14

Posted by whykay_delicious at 12:22 AM

November 12, 2006

Train Man (Densha Otoko)

Thanks to my brother Vince for lending me Train Man. It's a story about a Japanese phenomenon about an otaku (Japanese geek) who helps a girl on a submway train from a drunk, and from a thank you gift from her to him, things just blossomed. And with the help of a Japanese singles board, they give him helpful, and not so advice on how to proceed his pursuit of the girl, who could quite possibly be his love of his life (and probably the only one). And what makes this stand out, it's real-life. The chattering posts, and tense build-up through each progression of an otaku-turned-man. It just brings some tears in my eyes and makes me feel fluffy inside with each successful attempt.
But I noticed that they made it into manga as well as tv drama (an a movie as well?). I have been checking the drama out on youtube. The dramatisation is so cheesy, and slightly mad, but it is so funny.

Only in Japan. >-<

Posted by whykay at 03:48 PM

November 11, 2006

Real Transformer

Cool, just came across this!

Posted by whykay at 06:20 PM

November 09, 2006

November's Python Ireland Talks were a success

Last night's Python talks went really, really well! Thanks to Sean Mc Grath for a great talk on Jython, and Mick for his talk on WSGI. Everyone was so engaging during the talks. Sean's talk went on from around 7:30pm till around 9pm, and Mick went through his slides swiftly, while prodding a few people's buttons along the way. It was Q&A all the way through both talks. And the time honoured tradition of Python Meetup Talks, it's off to the Pembroke pub to wrap up for the night. The attendance was one of the largest this year, around 14/15 people (I think). There were lots of familiar faces, which is great. That Jython talk had something for everyone, pot shots and more neutral views on big companies like Sun, MS and BEA on their take on Python/Jython, for example.

It's nice to see the Python community growing, even though it's little by little. We are planning the next set of talks already for December 13th (Wed), and at least we have WxPython penned down. If anyone is interested to give a talk, drop a note to Python Ireland's mailing list.

By the way, speakers at our talks gets a free Python Ireland t-shirt, just like the one we gave Guido.

Posted by whykay at 10:33 PM

November 03, 2006

links for 2006-11-03

Posted by whykay_delicious at 12:27 AM

November 02, 2006

links for 2006-11-02

Posted by whykay_delicious at 12:22 AM