I'm not crazeeeee! There is a whole wikipedia entry on The Bananaphone!
See http://groups.yahoo.com/group/vimannounce/message/152 .
And another Google-related article about Google Techtalks.
Yup, all you lego mindstorm fans, preorders you can preorder your sets from April 1st.
(Previous entry on Mindstorm NXT.)
Hmm, this comic kinda makes me wonder if I was like that playing Mario Kart DS. Heh, must ask Mick about that one. I would not be surprised, it's quite and intensive, fun-filled game.
Not a good day yesterday for our party consisting of a human warrior, a gnome rogue and a human warlock. We decided to do the last of our quests in Uldaman. And we got our butts kicked. In the chamber we were at the alter, summoning the door to open, and all eyes peeled to run and charge at the giant boss that is to come. And boom, a stone gaurdian comes alive (well, it was pretty obvious that these 4 large stone gaurdians come alive somehow) and bashes Mick (warlock) and Juve (rogue). Another one came alive as we disposed of one. My mind screaming, "this is a joke, where is the boss?". Lo and behold, the four gaurdians were overcome by our strive to live to catch a glimpse of the end boss. The door opens to a group of elites, and that is where we bit down and plod onwards to doom (given prior encouters with similar group... this was about the fourth time, and at least one of us dies in each case). Well, guess what, we were so depleted in buffs, potions and food, we died. That was where I decided to call it a day, ressurected on the spot and soulstoned back to Ironforge. Ressurection sickness and armour so dented, a fly landing on it would cause me damage! So that is when I decided to go to bed.
Ah yes... here are some of my favs...
Given that I should be in bed now, espec when the clocks have gone forward an hour! So it's actually nearl 3AM! O_O
[Cobra] so i was watching a pr0n
[Thunder] wait
[Thunder] why u guys always say pr0n instead of porn ??
Thunder has been kicked by Guardian (No porn on this channel !)
[Cobra] ...
[Cobra] so i was watching a pr0n
[Varka] cds are made of pikachu skins
[Orcinus] is that why they turn to lightning in the microwave? :D
[Varka] Yes.
( http://bash.org/?629240 )
[tohayer:] My windows machine crashes scarily
[tohayer:] Whatever audio is playing, slows down
[tohayer:] Like when Dave is disconnecting Hal's memory
[tohayer:] "Ted... Ted... why are you opening the task manager. You're scaring me, Ted"
( http://bash.org/?628022 )
[Batty] Euch, rap is just missing one letter. c.
[zeep] rapc?
[Batty] ...
[Batty] Crap you idiot. you put the c on the other end
[zeep] oic
[Batty] Though you could also say it's missing an e
[zeep] wtf is erap?
* Batty bangs his head repeatedly against a wall *
( http://bash.org/?329292 )
[frank] can you help me install GTA3?
[knightmare] first, shut down all programs you aren't using
frank has quit IRC. (Quit)
[knightmare] ...
( http://bash.org/?139697 )
Well, not funny, sort of cruel way to find out... anyhoo, this is what I am talking about.. this Mozilla bug where a girl found out that her fiancé was visiting other dating sites behind her back. Just read how you would repro the bug... Classic! (I wish some of my bug descriptions at work are just as funny! >-< )
Been meaning to put this up for ages, top 30 mistakes made by n00b Mac users".
Apart from finance.google.com for you to check out how much your share options are (if you are lucky), or just get depressed knowing how much your boss earns.
The other thing is I finally got access to the google pages after being placed on a waiting list to sign up due to demand at the time. Pretty nifty for folks who want to put up pages quickly. Adding pics using url was cool, it popped in the pic almost instantly. Here is my google page. I know, what a messer.
You know, I am not a big fan of the black stuff. And I am not sure about this Guiness surger. Seems like alot of trouble to get your special can of Guiness to taste like draught poured in your local.
I saw this strip from gucomics, and was wondering what the heck that was about. And tonight Mick pointed me to this video showing Depeche Mode's song "Suffer well" for Sims2.
Aaaah, now the comic makes sense! *lol.
Been spending all week trying to put together a movie for my parent's anniversary pressie. Finally burnt it to DVD. But I needed a DVD case cover.
Mick found a handy page size reference page from none other than wikipedia, but what was more useful was the info on DVD jewel case size. But we decided to opt to see if there was a template for photoshop. And this forum has some handy links to templates. A few tweaks here and there, and voila, a nice DVD cover.
This Little gamers strip reminds me of my bro commenting that our stuff in the fridge are always gone off. Life of living in the modern age, not being able to cook at home, 'cause we are all working too late.