So I see Google has been creating dashboard widgets for MacOSX (found this from this article).
And some rumours about them going into social bookmarking as well.
Thanks for taking my quiz! Pleaz rate!I need
only..4 votes and I'll be happy!C'mon people
you can do it!!! :3
Here are all the google doodles for the winter olympics.
And you get this, if you don't get what I mean... Peanut Butter Jelly Time & Dance Dance Revolution. Oh yeah!!!!
Well, I registered, no need to check it out at the moment. The site is down due to bad_httpd_conf with Dreamhost. A quick google search and the first hit was the Dreamhost wiki. And pointed me to support, so at least I don't feel like an eejit. So all I have to do is wait now!
Ok, I only went into town early afternoon to go to Wagamamas with my bro for lunch. Thien pick up a few things here and there on the southside. Little did I know something was amiss... cue sirens, screeching tyres towards Nassau Street direction. Heading from Grafton St. towards 90 stop on Aston Quay, I saw grufties and lots of skangers wearing Irish scarved covering up half of their faces heading the same direction as the Gardaí riot vans. Ahead past the spire, my brother points to smoke. Hmmm... the bridge has been closed off, we wanted to go home (Abbey St. was out of the question). Waiting at the 90 was a bit fruitless, so my brother prodded me to walk to Jervis to get the Luas. Heh, so we got there, Luas only runs between Smithfield and Tallaght only. Anyhoo, we manage to make our way home. My brother mentioned the Loyalist march, but I check the headlines and there it was...
The Garda Riot Squad are still in attendance and a total of 37 people have been arrested. They are being held at Store Street and Pearse Street garda stations.
And what was scarier still...
Skirmishes were reported on O'Connell Bridge and Aston Quay and there was a stand-off for a time on Fleet Street.
OMG! We got out of town just in time. My brother pointed out that it is also featured in the BBC news as well. Not sure if this was a coincidence, there were more sirens than usual last night, I thought my headache emphasised it. And geesh, I can even hear some bangs nearby, and I'm living around Parkgate St.
I'm just glad I am home now.
You know, for some odd reason I wanted to check out vids on how folks really do DDR... best place to find them is at and I have some favs... (yeah, I know my bro says it's sad, and Southpark even made fun of it in one of their eps, that one was funny, poor Butters!). But these guys really are fast!
And I suppose this is one of my most memorable ones (Kieran showed me this before).... the 1-legged DDR contestant, amazing!
This one just reminds me of a webcomic I came across years ago... called The 10K Commotion. Plus it really shows that the Japanese are really serious about their DDR!
See, I am not crazy! Why is most folks at work find that I am crazy or just different when I choose to use elementtree? This person optimised XML processing in Python using the elementtree API, and he one heck of a happy guy!
I just find sax too over the top for what I need to do. And elementree does what it does, cleanly, in a more Pythonic fashion. And it's noticebly faster. And boy.. IK cannot wait for it to be bundled in with Python. Not that it's hard to install it in the first place. >-<
Just my 2 cents.
"So what the heck is this?" That is what I would mumble to myself everytime I see this being the top tagged funny thing etc... so curiousity killed the cat when I noticed it when I was browsing the Flash Box Charts on bebo (which I just joined today). Google-searching helped.. here's the videos I found. I liked the Taiwanese one.
But I need to know more, so where to other than the ol' reliable wikipedia. And there we have it, an entry for it.
My, my.. it's so silly isn't it. I don't really find it funny though. My funny bone was just not being tickled enough by it. Oh well. there is always PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!
That's Mac Book Pro to you if you did not know. That's what my friend at work keeps referring to. He's just so silly and broke and still wants one! Well, I came across this review of the MPB.
It's a good newbie guide if you never used a Powerbook before. Most features stem from the Powerbook design. But it's so much nicer now. But what I liked about the article was the 2nd pargraph of the 1st page of the article...
I immediately called my local Apple store who was very trivial with giving me a true answer until I asked them for the 2GHz Intel Core Duo MacBook Pro. Once I asked for that specific model he told me, "Sir I have only received one MacBook Pro and the one you are asking for is the model we have". I immediatelty jumped into my car and drove (a little fast) to the Apple store [...]
A little fast... teehee.
So I have been busy at work.
I was lucky enough to break away from the humdrum icky work to check out RSS2.0 generation, a few hours in, I realised some issues. Not so lucky, you might think... so I decided to try Atom the next day. Woowee, that was a cool change. It can handle xhtml tags. Grreat.
And just did a simple Python script today, and used sets and in intersection. So handy! Makes code so much smaller! And unit tests as well well to boot. Mick would be proud.
Codefetch is the google for searching for snippets of code. V. useful indeed, but I suppose folks will have to be careful when they want to use the snippets of code retrieved from codefetch.
Cool, check out this article with the pic of the frozen waterfall.
Only saw this in this month's Wired. And it looks really cool. Went to the Lego Factory and downloaded the Mac Lego Digital Designer app. (I did not even think a Mac version would be available). But it's cool, and I probably think would cost quite a bit for a custom lego model. I never really played with Mindstorms, but always wanted to, but they are so expensive (and still are). Maybe I can try the Mindstorm NXT. They even have an RSS feed there to keep track of what's happening.
Forgot to tell you about this beer pulling robot, it's so cool. Sent the link around to the grads, and they loved it! We all want one!
Now my abstinence of coffee for 11 days was not thwarted, even with all the Starbuck opening around Dublin (one on Harcourt St now open), so when I saw this article about Starbucks and Apple teaming up does not really raise an eyebrow for me anymore. Coffee.. meh.
BUT... maybe this might still help me wake up... a coffee aroma alarm clock? Well, I think I wake up a bit better without relying on coffee now. But not sure what happens if I smell coffee first thing in the morning.
Just watched the Ireland V Italy match today, and the weather for it could not be more perfect. No wind! But that just reminded me of my work collegue who was complaining no end about the "no wind" 'cause he kitesurfs.
I have to say there is one thing about living in appartment blocks, it's the noisy neighbours. The ones next door are not so bad, it's down the corridor. Yes, it does travel! It was like a shouting match, I dare say, not quite civilised. And this is in the afternoon. Noise does travel on clear nights though. Like some scumbag of a person who sounds like a drunken wagon (prob is) is screaming at the top of her lungs out in the streets nearby. All I think at the time was, "classy".