March 26, 2006

[Fun cute] Some of my fav quotes from

Ah yes... here are some of my favs...
Given that I should be in bed now, espec when the clocks have gone forward an hour! So it's actually nearl 3AM! O_O

[Cobra] so i was watching a pr0n
[Thunder] wait
[Thunder] why u guys always say pr0n instead of porn ??
Thunder has been kicked by Guardian (No porn on this channel !)
[Cobra] ...
[Cobra] so i was watching a pr0n

[Varka] cds are made of pikachu skins
[Orcinus] is that why they turn to lightning in the microwave? :D
[Varka] Yes.
( )

[tohayer:] My windows machine crashes scarily
[tohayer:] Whatever audio is playing, slows down
[tohayer:] Like when Dave is disconnecting Hal's memory
[tohayer:] "Ted... Ted... why are you opening the task manager. You're scaring me, Ted"
( )

[Batty] Euch, rap is just missing one letter. c.
[zeep] rapc?
[Batty] ...
[Batty] Crap you idiot. you put the c on the other end
[zeep] oic
[Batty] Though you could also say it's missing an e
[zeep] wtf is erap?
* Batty bangs his head repeatedly against a wall *
( )

[frank] can you help me install GTA3?
[knightmare] first, shut down all programs you aren't using
frank has quit IRC. (Quit)
[knightmare] ...
( )

Posted by whykay at March 26, 2006 01:49 AM