Lunch with collegues who brought up the subject of their hatred of macs. Apparently of years of discussion. I never used Mac OS earlier than Mac OS 10, so all I know that Mac OS 9 was crud. It was so awful, that Apple developers threw it out the window to develop a completely new OS. And in-keeping with their fabulous look and feel, and really good usability platform. I don't find many issues with it. UNIX is on it, so I am comfy enough with that.
So it could be forgiven that lots of ye oldie tech heads who used Mac OS9 hated it, but have they even considered trying out the Mac OS X before their torrent of hatred directs smack into my newbie Mac face? (But they stopped it very early on, or else lunch would have been long.. for me.. since I as I said before, I am a n00b).
So... as I said. Sometimes, I just don't know.
My guild, The Cuddly Vikings has created a roster. Thing is, playing WoW on and off means I concentrate more on quests then my skills as a blacksmith and a miner. And when I saw how I ranked in my chosen trade skills, I was a bit annoyed, so I have been upping the ante and been very good on boning up my skills. So yay, and all that, I have another blacksmithing quest to go on, and some of the weapons I can make from that is gonna be so sweet!
BTW, the roster is so cool... you can see my character's stats, and what I have in my bags, bank, what I know etc. And Mick pointed out that all that page is generated in CSS and JS! Neato stuff there. No wonder it is so fast to load up! Impressed I am, yes.
Heh, this dude has too much time on his hands! Mario theme done in Omnigraffle
Some laser-etching on a PB. That really looks good. But I still like mine as it is... no matter how much I want to put a cute sticker on it!
Man, this job title from M$ is so overloaded with acrynoms.
Title: Senior Operations Account Manager (OAM) – Windows Anytime Update (WAU)
Ok, in the upcoming patch.. but it's from the under development section.
Planned for launch in patch 1.9, players will discover that they can buy and sell goods with greater effectiveness using the highly anticipated Linked Auction House System. Horde players will find that the Auction Houses in Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff will now share the same pool of player-created auctions. Similarly, Alliance players will find the same to be true when visiting Ironforge, Stormwind City, and Darnassus Auction Houses. This system has been expanded to support the neutral Auction Houses as well. Tanaris, Everlook, and Booty Bay will all be linked for players of both factions to access. In addition, the "Looking for Group" and "Trade" channels have been unified among the corresponding cities, meaning you can trade your goods or look for groups in Ironforge while in Stormwind!
I have been complaining about this for ages. Since I visited one of the towns, and it had an empty and crapp auction house, I was wondering.. "how hard is it to have the auction house items coming from one central place". It's bad enough that everything for Alliance is at Ironforge, and the lag is unbelievable.
This is going to be great!
You know... it's bad enough that I wait forever for a stupid 16/16A in the mornings. Now I have this to look forward to!
* iPod my Baby!
Jimmy.. what do you think of this!
And finally... gals and gaming.
Literally! A game! Now that is sad.