My guild, The Cuddly Vikings has created a roster. Thing is, playing WoW on and off means I concentrate more on quests then my skills as a blacksmith and a miner. And when I saw how I ranked in my chosen trade skills, I was a bit annoyed, so I have been upping the ante and been very good on boning up my skills. So yay, and all that, I have another blacksmithing quest to go on, and some of the weapons I can make from that is gonna be so sweet!
BTW, the roster is so cool... you can see my character's stats, and what I have in my bags, bank, what I know etc. And Mick pointed out that all that page is generated in CSS and JS! Neato stuff there. No wonder it is so fast to load up! Impressed I am, yes.
Posted by whykay at November 20, 2005 11:37 PM