Ok, in the upcoming patch.. but it's from the under development section.
Planned for launch in patch 1.9, players will discover that they can buy and sell goods with greater effectiveness using the highly anticipated Linked Auction House System. Horde players will find that the Auction Houses in Orgrimmar, Undercity, and Thunder Bluff will now share the same pool of player-created auctions. Similarly, Alliance players will find the same to be true when visiting Ironforge, Stormwind City, and Darnassus Auction Houses. This system has been expanded to support the neutral Auction Houses as well. Tanaris, Everlook, and Booty Bay will all be linked for players of both factions to access. In addition, the "Looking for Group" and "Trade" channels have been unified among the corresponding cities, meaning you can trade your goods or look for groups in Ironforge while in Stormwind!
I have been complaining about this for ages. Since I visited one of the towns, and it had an empty and crapp auction house, I was wondering.. "how hard is it to have the auction house items coming from one central place". It's bad enough that everything for Alliance is at Ironforge, and the lag is unbelievable.
This is going to be great!
Posted by whykay at November 15, 2005 12:05 AM