Check out System Administrator Appreciation Day, and remember to thank your sysadmin! :)
I like this cartoon though. *lol*
Hundreds of New Customers Around the World Join Sun in the Network Services Revolution from a Yahoo biz article. But SUNW shares still stand at 3.63 at this current post.
Although Sun made a profit, and Scott gave team pat on back, Sun shares still fell. But there is plenty to come, Sun's new team aiming at Wall street, and Scott take on his critics.
Alot has happened since I was out of the country. Gonna keep an eye out for more news.
I'm sitting at Shannon airport waiting to board the flight to London... on my way to! And I am using the free wi-fi access from my BF's powerbook! Woohoo... Now.. to get my moblog going when I setup my phone...
Just trying out Textile plugin for MT that I just installed. Very wiki-like. Gonna use this for text formatting from now (well, while I am still using MT). And there many other ways of formatting text via the manual .
I missed comic book day... NOOO, I was in Forbidden Planet and they did not participate this year. I knew I should have dropped by 3rd Place! Oh well....
The Gillmor Gang's recording from Sun's JavaOne. Jonathan Shwartz defends Sun that the company is not "beleaguered". And hear about the OS'ing Solaris, Java, Linux and more...