Imagine free course material. Hard to imagine, isn't it? Well, check out the article - Wired 11.09: MIT Everyware. It's good reference materials, and are all voluntarily contributed by lecturers at MIT.
Here is Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT OpenCourseWare.
Cool, I still think it is rather dangerous, having liquid going around a pc... but check out the article anyway.... : Silent pump for water-cooled PCs developed
Well, there's a surprise...not, Irish and Greek broadband costs most
Check this out : Chart Attack! Japanese Top 20, 8/11 - 8/17
My brother Will will like this - : Winning Eleven 7 Comes To PC. He has been a big fan of this game which use to be just console's only.
Oh, and on the side, : Sony Announces EyeToy game: Groove.
Um, not sure about this approache : - Giant gerbils face eagle air force - Aug. 19, 2003.
But here's what they look like - Great Gerbil facts and pic.
Hmm, really tempted to get one when I am over in Florida in September... See article for more info - : Nintendo Announces e-Reader Bundle
Did I type Hamtoro wrong I wonder? But for some reason my site comes up first... No dodgy searches hitting my site (thank goodness) :) So here are the following top searches so far this month (not alot, but I am happy anyway)
#reqs: search term
129: hamtoro
53: korean anime
30: oish
27: strong bad cartoon
26: lego matrix
25: wonderful days anime
22: cute flash
22: good logos
13: monty python official
13: meowlingual
11: irish chinese
11: cool css
10: thermal depolymerization
10: swedish chef muppet
10: clone wars animation
10: wonderful days korean
10: barcode art
9: izzue
9: star wars animation
9: funny movie posters
I was not able to go but I heard about it... and it seemed everyone had a good laugh! Check out The Dublin (Flash) Mob Scene: Robert Burke's Photo Album on the Web
What with my flatmate's on-going iBook repair saga, and yup it is still not over. It's with Mac support (again). He hasn't blogged about it yet. He is still whimpering in pain from the lack of quality Apple support has shown so far.
Well in 2002, Apple tops the consumer support as the report shows... MacCentral - Apple ranked number one in customer support
I am not going to the gig, 65 a pop is a wee bit too much been stuck in a middle of a crowd of 135,000 screaming fans, in mid-twenties degrees celcius heat... and um, did I mention the 135,000 fans?!?
I'm just living on Parkgate street, down the road from the entrance to Phoenix Park where the gig is being held. So I may get to hear ol' Robbie sing anyway. But when I came back from town, and the street was jam-packed with people (the pubs and the chipper will be doing some good business today!).
As we were on the bus rounding up to the bus-stop, we heard something was caught under the bus... when we got off, it was a traffic cone! We told the bus driver but he drove on anyway! It's so hot today, you would wonder driving at high speed with a plastic cone underneath scraping along the hot tarmac will catch fire or not... anyway, tempting to print some Robbie Ts and sell them outside our appartment gates :P Chow!
Just adding in a blog entry for another design blog I came across - TIG's Design Ramblings.
Considering that I and doing a usablity course, if I can find as many opinions from different design sites, it will help me alot. :P
Just hope Kevin Warwick doesn't hear about this! Ars Technica: One step closer to a cyborg nation.
Someone requested for a some more info on Korean Animé in my previous blog :: Wonderful Days - Korean Animé
Seems funny that all I get is Animé pr0n when I did the search for it as well! But as I was looking for more Miyazaki related animé that I can buy and place it on my
The Korean one is