Yes, in Ireland, of course. Mick, my father-in-law and I were queuing at Wagamama's for a quick evening snack, and a (probably) yummy-drummy was recounting the audacity of a Garda to stop and pull her over because she was on the phone. That's not all, embarrassingly in view of people driving past her, she doesn't think it's a big deal. Yes, she was on the phone to someone. Woman, it's the frigging law! I can picture Mick rolling his eyes.
You know the recession is bad for stores, just saw an ad for Harrod's sale. Now that's different. I'm not a big sales person anymore, all that pushing and shoving and buying things that won't be worn or used. At least that will help me save money.
Oh no, and Jobs also dropping out of keynote speeches. I often wait in anticipation for his keynote and with Gizmodo and other sites that give live updates. I'm sorely going to miss this.
Source -
He really doesn't like Windows.
I hate Vista so much I want to cry. Bought a Vaio. The most useless $4k ever spent. It just will not join a sec-enabled network. HOW????
That was the initial tweet on it, the follow-on ones were funny.
The network is there. I press to join it doesn't even ask for a password! It just can't join. How insultingly dreadful can software be? (Link)
I have nine macs!!!!!! I don't need another fucking mac. I just want ONE ARSING PC that isn't complete SHIT (Link)
Too late. It's going out the window. I can't put up with this sort of arse. (Link)
Listemn I have parallels, I have fusion, I have 2 distros of Linux. I need jsut one, just 1 of cunting Vista so that I can review things (Link)
Forgive intemperate language, but every time I buy a PC they're worse, not better than they were before and it make me so angry I could kill (Link)
How can I review certain PC only things if I don't have one? Anyway, I've calmed down now. Vista and PCs are so crap it's funny x (Link)
Still taking deep breaths. Thank you all for your concern. The Vista devil spoke thru me and it wasn't pretty. x (Link)
It has certainly brightened up my day. :)
So there is an ongoing war between them, legally, that is. Who would have thunk, ay? Bratz is to be withdrawn though in California in a ruling that the Bratz were drawn whilst Carter Bryant worked in Mattel. So no more Bratz, thank goodness, less shallowness on the market. I'm not a big fan of Barbie, mind you, even though many of my friends had them when I was young, and I felt left out with my Sindy. Ok, end of rant, hehe.
First it was Pownce (acquired by sixapart), now is acquired by Twitter. Who's next? It's that time of year again?
I'm just glad there was no flooding while we (Mick, Mick's dad and I) were there. We were very lucky.
Ref article - [BBC online]Venice is hit by serious flooding