And you guys gotta check this picture of a cute kitten, it's the cutest little thing you ever seen!
Yup, hopping on the train off to my BF's dad's place for a spot of BBQ'ing. Although, there are some folks from a team on our floor BBQ'ing outside, the smell of rawly cooked food meanders through out our aircon system, I just can't wait... yup all the marinating I was doing last night, and it should be all set for a good grilling!
And boo...hiss... to Eircom! slashes LLU charges
One day... I say one day.... we will have cheap access to go online! One can only hope...
And further on our infrastructure for internet access, it's 2 years behind according to Forfas report (article from Electric news). We don't need a report to tell us that!
...all they have to do is take panoramic shots and I can see it for myself without getting mucky and cold in the deep dark caves like The tour through Nova Krizna Jama is 26 panoramas from Bostjan Burgers site And here is another cave shot.
It's pretty good, but this is only if the DART sticks to its schedule!
I wonder if they would broadcast this here? - 'Meow TV' to premiere this month - May. 21, 2003
Cool! Although on certain Lufthansa flights. But it's a start. Lufthansa offers in-flight broadband (Web-User)
Definately alot of effort put into this entry which became a runner-up for Nintendo Link's online competition - Link's roleplaying game.
My personal fav is this one - Link playing with GC in the room. All CG.
The daily rumblings at work can be thought of as a foot massage. It happens about 3 times a day now. It's all this tunnel drilling for the Dublin Port Tunnel, and a couple of heavy machinery rolling back and forth along the waterfront for the new water sports clubhouse (I think). I can imagine when I look out the window, we would be floating out towards the Irish sea on the bed of rubbish we are on (literally we are, East Point Business Park was built on an ex-dump!).
I cannot stop laughing. It's the first automated phone booking system I encountered for a cinema (Usually I am twiddling my thumbs waiting for someone to pick up the phone). Anyhow, listening to the different segments of the different options spoken by at least 2 different people was very funny. Especially when I got to the end, it went through the whole sequence of what I booked "You have booked...(chg of voice)...Matrix Reloaded...(cov)...rated 15pg...(cov)..." etc... Even the 8 Euro and 8 cents were different voices. I know, I am not use to this, but I could not stop laughing to key in my credit card number. Someone should phone up Ster century if you are going there to watch a movie's the most gas thing I have heard so far.
See it to believe it (altho I have yet to find one I llike, it's quick) - StrangeBanana: Computer-generated webpage design
McCreevy blamed as we top the rip-off list from the Indo. (Need to register - but it's free)
Check out Consumer Pricing Report for 2003 from Forfas, the State advisory board. (Even we are more expensive than Finland!) Oish's iBooks is broken again. You would think they would get it right first time. Hope it will be alright when he gets it back though... Here's his blog about it (although it's a diary in a blog entry which is not how blogs work!)
Oisin in Spire City: iBook repair saga
Coincidently, just back from lunch and talking to collegues about macs (potential buyer..danger..danger, Will Robinson!) and I saw this article called The Mac that Lego built. (BBC news)
Blast... missed the Lunar Eclipse. Was out at Inaugural Agile Special Interest Group (SIG) hosted at Iona in Ballsbridge in Dublin. Very good talk, and great meeting up with the folks are Slattery's afterwards...
..that I maybe addicted to coffee! Take yesterday morning for example, we (me and my BF) just got off the escalator at the DART station and the guy who works at the little coffee shop on the platform saw us and did a 180 degree turn around and by then I realised that he was going to re-open the shop so we can get our regular large latte!
And most mornings now, we do not even have to order the coffee, he just prepares it for us when he sees us. :D
Same with the coffee shop at the business park I work in, one of the guys working there knows what we usually order...
Considering 2 years ago, I do't even drink the stuff. Ho-hum...
Figures, hope the Irish government cops on a bit on problems associated with an expensive Ireland, and Eircom's hold of wrath on availability of better internet support and availability. Ireland drops in world competitiveness from talks about the drop in ranks for Ireland due to poor infrastructure and "Ireland's worst marks were for the speed, cost and availability of Internet access, where it ranked dead last of all 29 countries".
Good site to refer to. Some great examples to show people how you can do complicated layouts with CSS (see no tables, Neil! ;P)
CSS Zen Garden
Ooh-ooh... smart cards are coming to Dub. Hope they make the deadline, although I know many people will have cynical views about the gov and deadlines for projects that will enhance our shoddy public transport ;P. Here is the article - Commuter smartcards to be launched in Dublin next summer from Electric News.
My previous blog : The Irish "Octopus" Card
Some online clips from Bremner Bird and Fortune (Channel 4)
A little insight on the trio's view of the whole Iraqi war.
Saw this in - Microsoft builds Web-connected toilet . You would think that this is a joke right? Well, considring the ickiness of having to think of people in the loo and browsing is quite disturbing. You would have thought that people want to do their biz and get out quick.
From M$ press release - MSN Launches World's First ‘Internet Loo’
From Final Fantasy to Final Flight, we bring you Andy Jones.
Can't wait for the DVD to come out!
Got this from a friend one day last week... - It's a Japanese site (obviously), but the looks on the kitties are priceless! ;P
Shower Shock Caffeinated Soap... Why would I want caffeine in soap? And wash it away instead of intaking caffeine! WHERE'S MY COFFEE!!!
... and as I was checking out weblogs, I can across this site - Culinary Adventures with The Radical Chef. Lots of nice recipes. Oisin would be interested in this.
...but will it be as simple as a cardboard PC? My friend said that it's "perverted" and also wonder if it will be quiet. I am wondering how fast this will be engulfed in flames! ;P But interesting anyway...
... CUTIE ANIMALS DAY! Heehee! Just kidding, but here is a blog that discusses about cute animals - KittenFilter.
A friend referred me to here (it's not really cute though) -