Just joined the company tennis group. The rackets at home are all banjaxxed by my brother, so I am getting a new racket (but hey that is just an excuse, right? :P)
But there is only one good sport store and it is on Suffolk Street here in Dublin called Elvery's. Not many Prince rackets, but hey, it's a good shop.
Needed to find out my grip size, so went searching online, found the following:
SweatBandTennis.com - Instructions for measuring you grip size
Wilson site - tennis, Click on the "Grip Sizer" link for the menu and a pdf file will show you a picture for you to measure your hand. (Pretty good)
So my size is L2 (European) or 4 1/4 inch (US). Now all I have to do is wait for next payday.. :P
Posted by whykay at October 4, 2003 06:31 PM | TrackBack