October 03, 2003

[General] Sun in trouble? Maybe, maybe not

Google results for related articles of Sun's troubles at the current climate
What I do not like are these analysts. Why are they so nasty? They are trying to start more and more rumours, making some companies like Sun look bad. I personally do not think that Sun will get taken over. I don't like the way companies can be just bought if the company is floated to the market, greed? I don't know, but I hear there are trends of companies to remain private. But of course, news on this are few and far between.
But will Sun pick up though, some places (such as osnews) that are talking about it (yes, troll-attracted places)
OsNews.com - After Sun Goes Out
OsNews.com - Sun a Takeover Target Without Drastic Action?

Posted by whykay at October 3, 2003 11:58 AM | TrackBack