August 12, 2003
This izzue fiasco has been blogging about the utter bad taste of an ad compaign of the clothes chain store Izzue in HK (their website - is down). BWG's latest posting was just as hot-tempered. bwg - We Are Not Disposable
But I also google news-searched for articles relating to this, and has found that the manager has been taken a little out of context by BWG... - Nazi-themed fashion line dropped. I hope that other shops who decides on something similar do a bit more research and avoid all this atrocity.

Posted by whykay at August 12, 2003 09:37 AM | TrackBack

Maybe they dropped it after bwg's posts. It seems very sudden. I'm guessing "pressure" was exerted by government officials (I can't imagine them wanting to annoy the Israeli and German governments).

Posted by: Michael Twomey on August 12, 2003 09:47 AM

I think it has more to do with the Israeli and German consulates giving out to them. :)
Hope they see the error of their ways...

Posted by: whykay on August 12, 2003 09:49 AM

Have advertisers lost their collective conscience? Whether it's Jorge Haider with a picture of Adolph Hitler draped across his seat in the Bundesversammlung or the incessant repeating of the planes hitting the World Trade Center on 9/11 (which continues to be shown on CNN), we are constantly inundated by disturbing pictures -- it's no wonder that depression is such an issue in recent times.

Posted by: Hasan Diwan on August 12, 2003 05:28 PM

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