Heehee, my ex-work collegue manage to organise a table in the member's restaurant at Leinster House. The food was nice, and its prices were really good. I had to dress formally for this out of the ordinary event.
So who is the tecchie in the house?. I'm competant, but I always bug my hubby.
It's interesting to see the comments in that post, how many families are geek families now, an obviously since most readers of geeksugar are female, the comment posters are female. I'm still happy to see more and more female tecchies. But how come it's so hard to come across one? Are they all in the US?
Ok, I have not been posting Hello Kitty stuff, but here are ones I found recently:
If you have not heard by now, Google has launched Open Social. I've signed up to the OS application development forum as well. What's interesting is that this could be end to Bebo and Facebook. Even MySpace and Six Apart have joined up with Open Social.
I can't wait to try this out with my own little project. I think this will make life easier for me. Only time can tell, and it won't be that long before this snowballs and everyone starts using it.