July 15, 2009

[My Own Stuff] Things that make me smile...

Ok, apart from my hubby, Mick. Had a crappy day yesterday and I saw this conversation between PVP and Gabe from Penny Arcade on Twitter which made my day.

pvponline:Holy crap! San Diego is just a week away. I can't wait to see all
you guys out there. We are going to have such a BLAST!!!! Who's going?(link)

cwgabriel:@pvponline I am! Maybe while we are there we can get matching tattoos! BFF! (link)

pvponline: @cwgabriel Dude, let's each get half of the superman symbol on our arms. Then when we stand back to back WE are Superman! (link)

cwgabriel: @pvponline no, that's stupid. (link)

Posted by whykay at July 15, 2009 07:47 AM