Ok, apart from my hubby, Mick. Had a crappy day yesterday and I saw this conversation between PVP and Gabe from Penny Arcade on Twitter which made my day.
pvponline:Holy crap! San Diego is just a week away. I can't wait to see all
you guys out there. We are going to have such a BLAST!!!! Who's going?(link)
cwgabriel:@pvponline I am! Maybe while we are there we can get matching tattoos! BFF! (link)
pvponline: @cwgabriel Dude, let's each get half of the superman symbol on our arms. Then when we stand back to back WE are Superman! (link)
Posted by whykay at July 15, 2009 07:47 AMcwgabriel: @pvponline no, that's stupid. (link)