I quite enjoyed the game, it's a pretty laid-back RPG-style game. Out of curiousity, I got a female NPC to fall in love with my female character, and they got married! Quite open, isn't it? Heh, I was curious if they can have children, but from a bit of google searching, nope, it's not possible, although some other people did the surrogate parents as a workaround. You can have as many partners but if they cross paths, you are in trouble. My character is a one-person gal, lol. The main character can get fat as well, but after careful and plentiful munching of fruit, control of weight can be established again. And even PETA loves Fable 2 because you can choose to be a veggie in the game.
Although they really have to fix that glitch where the furniture shop stops stocking goods when the town's economy is at its best. At the moment, it's either kill the shop owner and screw the economy to get the furniture back and slowly build up the economy again. That's a crappy workaround. I really hope they fix it though, purty please, Lionhead!
Posted by whykay at January 7, 2009 01:09 AM