March 27, 2008

[Tech] €3 Million for 2 young Limerick entrepeneurs

As word spread in the blogging world of two young Limerick lads who successfully sold their company Auctomatic to a Canadian firm for €3 million, some bloggers have one thing in common, in giving out about Enterprise Ireland and County Enterprise Boards on their lack of support for these young business men. And it's the same for many start ups who try to find seed money to kick-start their venture, leading to big sales to foreign investors. I'm jealous of the guys on their big sale, but also fair play to them for doing everything they can here in Ireland to fund their company. We need more young people like them, ensuring that Ireland continue to be innovative and not reliant on foreign companies and investors. This all came out of my Reaching the Market lecturer quick mention of two young Limerick lads who sold their business for multi-million Euro, but acquired no support from Irish enterprise boards. Typical, isn't it?

Posted by whykay at March 27, 2008 10:20 PM