Well, it was a success! The Python Ireland August Talks last Wednesday hosted at Google's HQ got a full turnout. Considering that when the announcement for people to sign up (for the NDA), it was full in less than 2 days. People were scrambling to get their names on it. My ball park figure of 25 max was a bit off the mark. Heh.
We arrived on the evening, and signed the NDA, with some hawk-eyed security men glaring at us. Of course, the whole group had to be fully assembled (and yes, Neil was the last one to arrive!). We went down to the cafeteria, and was greeted by some recruiters handing out goodie bags (pen, pad, tee, magnet thingie along with their biz card). All in all, we were not bombarded by them. When upto 4 engineers (included a Google intern) trying to figure out how to get the projector to work with a Mac Book Pro, and 2 other Linuxes laptops, the attendees gorged themselves on Ben and Jerry's ice-cream.
So how many engineers does it take to get projector working with a laptop, well, none really. Ended up turning the webcam towards the laptops. Who would have thunk, ay?
Unfortunately, I was not allowed to video the Python Ireland talks. It's a new thing we are embarking on to share our talks with the world. Well, next time.
The talks went well, on time (me waving my hand to signal 5 mins and then waving again to say time is up, I don't like being timemaster. Heehee!).
We departed to the Schoolhouse pub (5 mins away), I reserved an area, again, I was off with the numbers going the afters. But we mange to fit in ok. Had a good ole chat with folks, and then the usual stragglers (yes, I'm included) got booted out of the pub, as it was closing up.
Well, no talks for next month, meetup at pub instead. Most likely The Pembroke off Baggot St. There will be talks held in October, and possible venue at Trinity College. Now all I have to do is bug people to do talks. \\(;*u^ )//
Posted by whykay at August 14, 2007 01:51 AM