March 15, 2007

[Culture] Tidy Town Hot Fuzziness and Cherry Blossom whoopsies

For all those who have seen Hot Fuzz ("yarp!"), what Fine Gael want is to have Tidy Towns as a reality tv show. And all I could think off is Hot Fuzz.

Japan is Cherry blossom mad! Whilst Mick and I were over in Tokyo for our honeymoon, there was 1 or 2 trees blossoming, and it was like a superstar. So many people hoarding around it. I would love to go there and check out the parks with all the blossoms open. But this is where the Japanese takes the biscuit when it comes down to how serious they are about this event. From BBC News, Japan apology for blossom error. What I like even better was the fact that this is an excuse for a party!

Salarymen and office ladies, as they are known here, get drunk under the trees each night until the blossoms fall.

Posted by whykay at March 15, 2007 02:20 PM