February 07, 2007

[My Own Stuff] WoW, 2 weeks as a missus

It's nearly 2 weeks since I was hitched! Time flies, jetsetting all over the place. Will update on what's been going on in HK and Sydney. Here in Cairns now, really wet from Cyclone Nelson. So Cairns being mostly an outdoors place, there was nought to do! But we did The Skyrail and it was really nice. The train was out cos of all the water from the rain, so it was the cable car up and down. Anyhoo, it's our last night in Cairns and we are having a proper dinner at the hotel. Tip for folks, don't come to Cairns in Feb, it's wet and the Great Barrier Reef is a just great murky waters now. It really sucks if you want to do alot of the activities here at this time of year! Sydney was brill though. Maybe chance Melbourne next time we are in town, espec that alot of the conventions are held in Melbourne.

Posted by whykay at February 7, 2007 08:04 AM