You decide how much to pay for what you eat at One World Café in Salt Lake City and the SAME (So All Might Eat) Café in Denver. Even if you have no money, you can do the dishes, sweep etc to work up to the amount you ate. Some people are more than generous as well, even leaving money without eating anything.
A little closer to home... locals whine so much about the Polish over here, you know the usual, taking our jobs yada yada yada. But alot of the Polish who come over end up homeless, and Capuchin Day Centre helped many of the Polish. Now the Polish are returning the kindness by giving generous donations. (From Indo, free registration)
Posted by whykay at December 27, 2006 12:59 PM"In the early part of the year it was half Irish and half Polish, but as the Polish got jobs that number has dropped,"