June 11, 2006

[Games] Brain Training

Mick got me a copy of Brain Training for the DS. It's quite good, although I was not surprised my brain age was 70 or something, given that I was knackered from the week and it was past midnight when I decided to check it out. They advise you to play in the morning when you are not so tired. Oh well, I wanted to try out the game anyway. I saw an article in Kotoku, and I disagree with it, citing that it's useless IQ trainer. The game is to train your mind to be more alert, not increase IQ. I found memorising the hardest, although I have always been bad at this anyway (that is why I hate exams! ;) ). I enjoy the quick answering of simple maths question. Some of the other games are challenging, like keeping not of head counts when they enter and exit the house. I have always shunned Sudoku, but I decided to give it a go, since Brain Training bundles it with it. It's not too bad.

All in all, it's quite entertaining, plus it encourages you to do it daily, and not do these exercises throughout the day, allowing rest.

(You can discuss more in my IBC forum)

Posted by whykay at June 11, 2006 11:29 AM