So, I might as well start off this in a geeky way. Heh. So an xbox was being used as a cheap server for a Uni which held some students how-to-build-your-own-website projects. Years later, the department bloomed and in came more staff, and wait for it, a new manager. One day, students started to complain that they cannot access their websites, after much investigating, and trying to locate what happened to the server... the result was, it was missing. Physically missing. The sysadmin, who coincidentally was one of the few who knew about this xbox-now-a-server machine, went to the new manager. Heh, here it comes, the new manager brought it home for his kid to "entertain himself". So now the missing xbox mystery resolved, the sysadmin has labelled it very thoroughly with “This is actually a server” all over the xbox.
(Ref: )
Now, onto the guy who does the Family Guy's voices. Yes, Seth MacFarlane. He made a speech during this year's Haravard's class day. It was really funny, and I never knew he looked like that?!? Plus, some of the stuff he said, I am surprised he got away with it.
(Warning, string language. Ref: Family Guy Voice Actor's Speech @ Harvard You might want to click on the 2nd link on the site in the comments, if the first one does not work.)
Finally, Simpson's eps nearly tossed out Fermat's last theorem's_last_theorem. Um, well, this came out of the math equations you saw from 1995's Halloween's ep, when Homer got sucked into anther dimension. Apparently, the writers take mathematical references in the series quite seriously. Lots of thought has been put into it! Really, just check out some of the stuff at Mathematical references abound on The Simpsons.
Posted by whykay at June 10, 2006 07:15 PM