Ok, my last attempt of installing django was a bust, so I decided to try again tonight (my PB still has 76% power left, hurrah... so no hurry there). Well, guess what, it did not go according to plan.. ended up with easy_install conflict. Erm, very ironic isn't it, that I cannot get easy_install to work! How in the heck did I get a conflict, and I just remembered why spotlight is handy (damn Mac storing things in wierdly named directories! How helpful, yeah, thanks for all the fish.. not). But how do I get rid of pkg_resources.VersionConflict: (setuptools 0.6a9 (/Library/Python/2.3/site-packages/setuptools-0.6a9-py2.3.egg), Requirement.parse('setuptools==0.5a13'))? Could attempt an upgrade, but I don't have much experience with eggs, this is practically my first time. The last time I tried to install django was the plain python setup way. Man, I am so rusty.
Posted by whykay at January 23, 2006 11:48 PM