Friday yesterday, hmph. You would think it was Friday 13th, the way things were going yesterday! Work got me a new Thinkpad T42P and guess what? Had it over a week, got into work in yesterday morning, and the machine was powered down (not hibernating), and would not come back on. Did all the usual things, plugging out AC, take out battery, holding down button for a few seconds. Then just had AC plugged in. Nothing registered. Borrowed a friend's power adaptor, nope. Borrowed a friend's battery, nada. So it's been taken away to laptop hospital that is the sysadmin's office. Heh!
That was only the beginning!
Decided to head home, back down to Limerick. So left work at 4pm, and did not get back to the appartment.. wait for it... till 5:50pm! WTF? Rathfarnham to Parkgate Street took an hour and a half. Sheesh. Ok, the only good thing was that my fiancé manage to come and see me off on the train. That was that... or so it seems.
15 minutes or so before the train reached Limerick city, the lights decided to give out. We were in pitch darkness. Ok, that was a lie, I was lighting up the whole carriage, as I was playing Warioware on my Nintendo DS.
That was that really. Until this morning, I decided to check my Euro Millions lotto ticket. No, I did not win millions, or thousands, or hundreds of Euro. I won 10 from a number and 2 lucky stars. Yay! Well in a sense, it was not that bad, considering I paid 4 and won 10. Glass half full or half empty, or a glass just too big.
Posted by whykay at October 8, 2005 11:10 AM