I suspect most people have heard of Google Talk by now... I knew there were rumours, and this morning, I logged into my account at work as usual, your typical work morning (and a cup of coffee). And surprise, surprise, I found multiple invitations to join Google Talk. I have to say it's basic. No smilies (who needs them anyway... teehee, I do actually!). It's a bit big, the main google talk dialog does not hide itself, you can roll-up open chats. I still feel mighty attached to my iChat on my Mac though...
Have not tried the voip yet to other google talkers. Still, I was curious. Had it running at work today (yup, we IM at work, it works well if used properly). If you have not tried Google Talk, check it out.... go on, I know you are curious. Go on, go on, go on...
Posted by whykay at August 24, 2005 11:04 PM