There is a feeling that it's a Friday! First of all, I get the usual bus at the usual time into town (I'm lazy), and reading (as usual)... you get the idea. But somehow, I felt it seems like we were sitting in the bus longer than usual, and we were. 20 minutes and we were only just passed Collin's Barrack's (we got on at Parkgate St). Then I noticed a steady stream of people walking into town (you guessed it, more than usual). Many people were getting off the buses. Well, we decided to get off and walk, and what a sight. A snake of buses up and down the quays. My BF could have taken a pic, but we were walking and did not stop. First thing that came to our minds, was it a traffic accident? And why are the drivers so patient (no horning beeping!). And then we thought, could be "operation Free Flow"? Nah, not a sign of a Garda. But the traffic was moving, but not the buses. Well, it's a Friday, I should not be complaining. I should be just happy that it is the end of the week
, and the weekend is rolling in soon. (The usual)