September 02, 2004

[My Own Stuff] Crazy @ work

What a humdinger of a week... *gr* my machines won't work, no recognition for contributing to the internal Irish site re-design. What was worse, I was told, you should benefit your own organisation with your contribution from your spare time! What, with my spare time, I do whatever I want, and I chose at the particular time to contribute to our own Irish site. Just once, I want it to do something for the whole site compared to just my organisation which is part of the site. Our old site director acknowledged us, fully supported us, but the new one... he's too busy for the little folk. He thinks what our little temporary team did for the site was a waste of time. No resources, did not eat into our daily duties... and that's the thanks we get. I am going crazy here.... *crazy* just need to get a project under my belt.. then I am out of here...

Posted by whykay at September 2, 2004 06:45 PM | TrackBack