March 03, 2003

[My Own Stuff] How much?!?

Argh! The cost of RDRAM nowadays. Ok, ok, they have dropped in price. My BF brwsed the web when I was on the phone to him over the weekend to check out the prices of PC800 RIMM RDRAM at and Compustore. The difference in price!!! It costs 107 euro in and 128 euro in Compustore. Since I was planning a trip to my local PC world, I thought the worse scenario would be the top of that price range. Boy, was I wrong! I made a bee-line for the sheves that has the mems, and guess how much they were? 250 euro!!! EEK! So I am going to order the mem online now.

My BF has ordered my RDRAM, it costs 98Euro now from (2 x 128MB instd of the single one). And looky what I found about world chip price - World chip sales rise despite seasonal dip. (from The register)

Posted by whykay at March 3, 2003 01:06 PM | TrackBack