November 09, 2002

My BF's the best!

I am so happy... I am not an expert at scanning and preparing piccies properly for putting them online until my BF helped me. Um, you may have gathered that some of my Coffee Monkey strip's characters are a bit blurry, apolagies for that! My BF was checking out what I was doing and gave me some handy hints on how to get what I wanted, post-scanned pictures that I can work with and resize without losing too much quality. He should have more handy hints like this on his own blog. Or maybe I should put up tecchie stuff I learnt online as well (or maybe not!). Anyway, must get ready for town, heading in to get shopping (and maybe a popcorn maker!) and preparing a meal for my BF's dad this evening before we head out to The Helix in DCU to see The Complete works of Shakespeare by The Reduced Shakespeare Company. This is suppose to be a very good comedy. Well, I'm off now.

Posted by whykay at November 9, 2002 01:32 PM | TrackBack