Met up with my friend for an afternoon bevvie at Nancy Hand's down in Limerick...
During much story-relating etc, he told me this funny story that took place outside the backyard, where extra seat and tables were. Some members of a rugby club whom had played a match earlier that day, decided to pop down to NH for a pint or two. A bloke (not sure if he was from the club or not) stripped naked and went prancing around at the top of the stairs. Of course a bouncer grabbed him from behind and gave him a good dig and another bouncer came along and dragged him outside the front, and gave him a good kicking. Then the rugby club got involved and start beating up the bouncers. The bouncers from across the road at Smyth's ran to give the battered bouncers some help and they too got the living daylights kicked out of them. The gardai came, of course, and they too were beaten up. Heh, that must have been a sight to see.
Posted by whykay at October 15, 2002 05:19 PM | TrackBack