Speaks for itself, plus check out the website, http://www.clubtravel.ie .
(Discuss at IBC forum)
旅游俱乐部 Club Travel
网上订票统 Online Ticket-booking system
操作简单 便于使用 Simple to use convenient to use
最优惠价格 Best Price!
都柏林-北京 450 Dublin - Beijing 450
都柏林-上海 470 Dublin - Shanghai 470
都柏林-香港 535 Dublin - Hong Kong 535
都柏林-广州 590 Dublin - Guangzhou 590
中文服务电话01-500 5540
地址:30 Lr. Abbey Street, Dublin 1
Ticket prices may change at different times of the year, please phone us in time for enquiries.
For Chinese language service, phone 01 500 5540
Address::30 Lr. Abbey Street, Dublin 1
And the small print:
"以上价格均不含", "prices do not include tax" !!