Came across this in The Standard today. So did a search in YouTube, and OMG, what a complete eejit! Ok, he was provoked (um, a tap on the shoulder from the young man seated behind who as asking him not to talk to loudly on his phone). Well, ok, not really, but he went off the rails. The profanities (listen with headphones, folks) just came spewing out. The young lad just wanted to get to his destination, but this guy kept going and going. Here is the vid : Bus Uncle
If you do a search in YouTube for "Bus Uncle", you will find a follow-up (Bus Uncle's arrest), and parodies made (fairly lame though). Oh, and it even made it into wikipedia!
So the phrases of the day (in Cantonese anyway) stemming from this:
* "I don't know you. You don't know me. Why do you do this?"
* "I face pressure. You face pressure. Why did you provoke me?"
* "This is not resolved! This is not resolved! This is not resolved!"