High score students, don't party too much (these are Chinese students now), now what do people think when they read that title?
Well, I misread it. Since everyone knows that students in the China, Hong Kong studies like no tomorrow, the top of the class students pretty much don't have a life. Well, was I surprise to read the article giving out about students to hunker down, and not to party too much. But I do agree, you don't treat them like celebrities, it's hard enough with the competition to get into college, you don't want the ego to go with it. It's just a progression to next step up the education ladder.
Except for some rare cases such as this 10-year old who will be staring college soon .
The overview background to this is kid is interesting. In this case, his parents did do alot to get him through all the stages of school. The pressure must be huge.
So all those going in to college, don't party too much. Now that was just too funny to say. Have a laugh anyway, that is where all the best fun is at. For those who are at college... I'll leave that to yourselves. And for the grads... heh, remember the good ol' days.