I have a realisation that I should take up Mandarin course now. Especially because when I visit HK in the future, people will start talking in Mandarin, which I do not understand! The transition of teaching in Mandarin as apposed to Cantonese is planned (People's Daily - Hong Kong considering shifting to Mandarin). On the side, it is good to have another language on your CV. ;)
Posted by whykay at October 23, 2003 01:20 PM | TrackBackI hope to see you get going soon. My daughter, an ABC and son-in-law are taking lessons now. I will look in on you from time to time. Good luck.
Posted by: Theresa Hsu on October 25, 2003 05:57 PMI did try to learn Mandarin in college... Hardest course I took.
Posted by: Hasan on October 16, 2005 02:40 AM